Saturday, December 23, 2006

2 days y"t

Shvuos: why 2 days if it depends on the count of pesach, rambam says in kidush hachodesh so as not to differentiate between the y"t. question is, it sounds like it should be a "yuma arichta"! see chasam sofer 145 that wants to say that shvuos should be more strict then regular 2 days.
Tisha B'av: see ritva that it was to hard to keep 2 days so they kept the 9th maybe 10th and not the 9th maybe 8th because anyway the 10th was when the mikdash was burning and also we do not make "puranos" early.
Channuka and purim: why no 2 days?
the mordechai in megilah asks why we don't keep 2 days purim. his answer: because the pasuk says "v'lo y'aavor".
regarding chanuka, some say since it d'robonon we don't make 2 days (abodraham), however this depends on machlokes ran and tosfos in succah 47 if by d'robonons we automatically say no 2 days. (purim is in ksuvim - divrei kabalah). some answer that you won't be able to tell from the candles what day it is.
the question on chanuka is why does the mishna say in r"h that messengers were sent to tell the people when kislev is (for chanukah) implying that even late in the month not everyone knows the date; and the mishna in sanhedrin (5:3) says that if the witnesses are a day off from each other and it is after the midpoint of the month their testimony is null because, as the bartenura says, after the half of the month EVERYONE knows what the date is. (see pnei yhushua here)


Avi Lebowitz said...

regarding shavuos - the magen avrohom in the halachos of shavuos questions why we keep yom tov on 6th of sivan since counting 50 from matan torah would end on the 7th (this question is addressed by maharsha in avoda zarah as well). he makes a strange statement - that this is a s'mach for yom tov sheini shel galiyos. this approach would also imply that it was not instituted to be treated as a safek.

Avromi said...

Minchas Chinuch writes that in the days that Rosh Chodesh was determined through the witnesses and Beis Din, there actually was nine days of Chanukah in the faraway places. He states further that in the future when the Beis Hamikdosh will be built, there will also be nine days. Nowadays, that we are experts in the correct days of the month, there is no necessity to institute an extra day since it is only Rabbinic.

We can answer the famous question of the Beis Yosef according to the Minchas Chinuch. He asks that there should be seven days of Chanukah and not eight because the miracle of the oil was only for seven days. We can answer that the reason there is an eighth day is because of the doubt as to when Rosh Chodesh was.