Friday, November 17, 2006

carrying keys on y"t without an eiruv when you only need one for y"t

מהרב קאליש,
יש מחלוקת ר' שלמה זלמן ור' אלחנן ועוד פוסקים אחרונים אם מותר ריבוי בשיעורין כאשר לא כל חלק ראוי בשבילו. דהיינו למשל אם מותר לרבות בשיעור הוצאה של מפתחות בטירחא אחת אף שרק ראוי לו מפתח אחד
והנה יש פה ראיה מהסוגיא: דשאלו את רב הונא בהמה חציה של נכרי וחציה של ישראל מהו וכו' מ"ש מקרבנות ואחכ אומרת הגמרא וטעמא מאי? ומתרצת א"א לכזית בשר שלא שחיטה. ורש"י מבאר דטעמא מאי היא סוגית הגמ' והמהרש"א מבאר דרש"י היה חייב לומר כן דלר' הונא לא נצטרך להיתיר של ריבוי בשיעורין הכא כיון דלקמן בעמוד מתיר רב הונא לאפות אפי' בטירחא יתירא לבני באגא כיוון שראוי ליתן מהפת לינוקא וא"כ ה"ה הכא
וכעת אם היתיר ריבוי בשיעורין הוא אפילו כעין המפתחות שלא כל אחד ראוי, א"כ הכא בבהמב רב הונא צריך לחדש דין ריבוי בשיעורין ויהיה מותא אפילו אם לגוי יש חלק מסויים בבהמה אלא מוכח מרש"י אליבא דמהרש"א דגם ריבוי בשיעורין רק מותר אם כל חלק ראוי לו וא"כ בהוצאת מפתחות ברה"ר בלי עירוב אסור אם רק ראוי לו מפתח אחד


Avi Lebowitz said...

r' yossi,

please print and forward to r' kalish - if i am missing something, i would like to be corrected.

I had some trouble trouble with the cheshbon until i realized that i think that i disagree with an assumption being made.

The sevara of kezayis basar b'lo shechita, has nothing to do with ribuy shiurim. The heter of ribuy shiurim is when you are making some food for ochel nefesh you do not have to me metzamtzem, and therefore you can make even a lot more than you need (ran in daf of rif 9b). However, kezayis basar without shechita is a much more basic sevara (not subject to a machlokes rishonim), that i can only get my ochel nefesh if i schect the animal so i am shechting only for the purpose of my ochel nefesh. Even if the front of the animal was the jews and the back the goy's, he can shecht based on the sevara of kezayis bassar.

the maharsha never uses the term ribuy shiur, he just says that the sevara of kezayis basar is only needed by r' chisda to distinguish betweeen an animal and dough, but acc. to r' huna who does not distinguish and is matir even dough, the sevara is not needed.

r' kalish seems to be asking on the maharsha that the sevara of kezayis basar is still needed acc. to r' huna to allow a situation where the animal is owned half by the goy. i think it is a good question on the maharsha, but has nothing to do with ribuy shiurim bec. even if the key case was assur, the animal where the front is owned by the jew and back by the goy, would be mutar based on kezayis basar.

the maharsha would probably understand that the gemara is talking about a simple case of partners where nothing was split before shechita.

i assumed (not like the maharsha)that the reason for rashi saying it is not r' huna talking is simply that r' huna just pushed off r' avya bec. he was too tired to think about the answer, why then would he immediately tell rabba the answer. that is why rashi explains that it is the stama d'gmara giving the answer.

good shabbos.

Yossie Schonkopf said...

your saying good, but i'm not sure i agree with you. after all in both places you are doing a meacha for something other then the need of y"t and it should follow the same rules. i will give you an example, the machlokes poskim if one can cook before his meal if he forgot to make an eiruv and put up several pots and just eat a small amount of each pot and leave the rest for shabbos is based on a heter given in tosfos 11b. there tosfos discusses slaughtering a chicken and just eating a small amount. acc to you tosfos may not be used as asource...
bottom line: i do agree with your point, but i still think it might follow the same rules regarding this question.
i don't like quoting rabbi kalish for this reason, so please if there is an error its mine not his...