This blog is a forum for the posting of insights on the daf yomi (daily daf). Postings will be brief and to the point. Comments are welcome.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Baba Kama 61a - M'leches Machsheves
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Baba Kama 58a - Dina D'malchusa
ב"ק נ"ט - אבילות דירושלים וקץ כופרי
ואשר נראה לי דבאמת צ"ע הגמרא, שמהשקלא וטריא ביניהם משמע שלא שייך לשום הכופרא בפנ"ע ולכאורה הוי גזה"כ לישום ע"ג שדה אך בלי הגזה"כ היינו שמין בפנ"ע. והנראה לי שביאור הגזה"כ שאין משלמין על הכופרא בפנ"ע אף שיש לזה ערך בשוק, דהקרא מגלה שלא משלמים אלא על היזק שנעשה עכשיו ולא על דבר שששייך שיהיה לו ערך או לא (בלע"ז פיוטורס). דהיינו הערך של כופרא בשוק כעת הוא לא הערך העצמי שלו אלא על מה שעתיד להיות, ועל זה לא משלמים. רק כששמין ע"ג שדה זה נחשב ערך העכשווי של השדה. דבתוך מהלך של שדה המובילה לצמיחת פירות, יש גם "נותן טעם" לערך של כופרא.
ובדומה לזה לגבי בית המקדש. אם אין חיבור וקשר בין תחתונים ועליונים א"כ אין כעת לבית המקדש שום ערך ואין על מה להתאבל אלא לבעל יוהרא שחי בעליונים. אך לאדם שמבין שמהלך החורבן מוביל לבנין בית המקדש העתידי - לו יש על מה להתאבל.וזהו מה שהוא גילה להם שכמו שלכופרא אין ערך אלא עם מערכת של שדה, כך הערך של בהמ"ק היום הוא בתוך מערכת שמובילה לבנית בית המקדש השלישי, ולכזה אדם שחי כך כל השנה שייך להתאבל כל השנה.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Baba Kama 55a - Tov in the Luchos
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Baba Kama 53b - Man, Ox and Bor all damaging together
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Baba Kama 52a - Locking the Door: Chazaka?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Baba Kama 51a - Ein Shliach l'dvar aveira
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Baba Kama 50a - Connection between Avrohom and Aliya L'regel
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Baba Kama 47a - Child is a limb of the Mother
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Baba Kama 45a - Hezek Nikar and Hiding the ox from Beis Din
Monday, February 09, 2009
Baba Kama 44b - Hasra'as Safeik
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Baba Kama 43a - Differences between Kofer and Compensation
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Baba Kama 39b - Are children responsible for their damages when they grow up?
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Baba Kama 38a - Distorting Torah
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Baba Kama 38a - Damaging goyim
Monday, February 02, 2009
Baba Kama 37b - Patterns for Mu'ad and Nidah
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Baba Kama 36b - Pledging Money that is not in one's possesion
The gemara says that when one is owed money as compensation for embarrassment, and they declared that the money should be given to tzedaka, their word is binding. Why? Because the beis din serves that the "hand" of the poor, and were already zocheh it for the poor. Tosafos asks, why not say that even if beis din would not be zocheh for them, it would anyway have to be given to the aniyim because it is as if he made a vow to give tzedaka? Tosafos answers that since when he said that it should be given to aniyim, it wasn't yet in his hands, it is not binding as a neder to tzedaka. But if he would say "when i get the money, i will give it to tzedaka", Tosaofos says that he would be obligated to fulfill his neder. Tosafos then quotes Rabbeinu Chananel who seems to assume that even if he would say "it should be to tzedaka", it would be a binding neder, but he would still be able to borrow the money for the time being. But, Rav Yosef says that he was already zo'cheh for the aniyim through ma'amad shelashtan.
Both answers of Tosafos are paskened in Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 258:8). If one is owed a debt and sya that it should be for tzedaka, it is not a binding neder, but if he says that when he collects it, he will give it to tzedaka, then it is a binding neder. BUT if the money is in the hand of the ga'bai tzedaka, or if he says it in the presence of the gabai and the ba'al chov where ma'amad shelashtan goes into effect, the gabai acquires it for the aniyim.
The Shach (18) questions why Tosafos couldn't answer simply - If it were binding as a neder, one could be matir neder and uproot the chiyuv, but since it is binding as zechiya, he can't uproot the neder? The Shach proves from here that anytime one pledges money that is in someone else's hands, he cannot be matir his neder since they will automatically be zo'cheh for the aniyim. Hataras Nedarim will only work on money that is in the hands of the pledger, but not on money that is in the hands of someone else.
Can someone retract on a pledge to a tzedaka, based on the pe'sach of "if i would have known that the market would crash, i would never have pledged so much"? Based on the shach, if the money pledged was in his own hands (or in the hands of someone who cannot be zo'cheh for aniyim i.e. goyim), he can retract. But, if it is in the hands of another jew, who can be zo'cheh for aniyim, he cannot retract.