Tuesday, June 19, 2007


rabbi resiman asked in his Navi shiur:

what is the whole issue of Rus being a מואביה the gemara says that she was the daughter of Eglon and the granddaughter of Balak, and we know from Rashi in chumash that Balak was a מדיני and since by a goy we go after the father comes out she wasn't a מואביה but a מדינית?
we can answer based on tosfos 48b

..." וי"ל דבת בנו של עגלון לאו דוקא אלא כלומר דמזרעו היתה כמו בן בנו של נמרוד הרשע (חגיגה יג..."

ולפ"ז ניחא שהיתה מואביה שלא היתה בן אחר בן, ושם בחגיגה ביאר התוספות שג"כ לאו דווקא שלא היה מזרע כוש, וכן הכא בדומה לא חייב שתהיה בן אחר בן.

1 comment:

Avi Lebowitz said...

Actually tosafos says in chagiga that ben bno does not mean a descendent at all, rather that they resembled one another in actions. Based on this Tosafos by us is actually arguing with Tosafos in Chagiga about the meaning of "ben b'no shel nimrod harasha". But, by Ruth it is unlikely that we are just comparing her actions to eglon, rather she must have been a descendent, just not a grand daughter. I think you are right that it is possible that her father was from mo'av and her maternal grandfather was the son of eglon from midyan.