Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Nedarim 40b - A Gadol Visiting a Kattan

R' Moshe (y.d. 1:222) has a teshuva to the chechnove rebbe where he discusses an important question. How can there be a mitzvah of a gadol to visit a kattan (and presumably to clean the room if needed like the talmidim of r' akiva); shouldn't there be an exemption of zaken v'aino l'fi k'vodo? The Rebbe wanted to answer that whenever it is recognizable that one is involved in a mitzvah there is no exemption of zaken v'eino l'fi k'vodo. Although he doesn't quoted it, it is based on a biur halacha (250) who points to a gemara in kiddushin (as does r' moshe) that r' nachman built a fence in public to fulfill the mitzvah of ma'akeh because it was clear to all that he was doing it for a mitzvah and did not have an exemption of zaken v'aino l'fi k'vodo. However, R' Moshe holds that this is only true regarding mitzvos bein adam l'makom, as we find by r' nachman, as we find by dovid dancing, and as we find by the amoraim who would make shabbos preparations themselves. But, by bein adam l'chaveiro we learn from hashavas aveida that even if it is clear that you are doing a mitzvah, you are not required to do something for someone else that you would not do for yourself. Nevertheless, when it comes to bikur cholim r' moshe concludes that one cannot make a cheshbon to protect degrading themselves at the expense of physical suffering of someone else. Therefore, even a kattan is required to visit a gadol and degrade himself to tend to the choleh's needs to help alleviate the physical pain of the choleh. But generally, if one would not do it for themselves they do not have to do it for someone else, even if it is clear that it is being done for a mitzvah.

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