Tuesday, July 24, 2007

current events

it is almost allowed to learn today's daf ans tosofos as it discusses the sanctity of yerushalayim in the time of destruction.
it is well know that the opinion of the rambam is that although קדושה ראשונה בטלה but the sanctity of ירושלים והעזרות stays on. on a מחשבה level, the parallel to that is the שברי לוחות which remain קדוש even after they broke. more so, hashem didn't tell moshe not to give the לוחות even after לך רד כי שחת עמך and the reason is that the breaking of the לוחות is also a form of קבלת התורה. the depth here is that when we have a בהמ"ק we see the revelation of Hashem, but when we don't have it we see a deeper revelation that it isn't possible to exist without it. This realization in itself is a revelation and it is that revelation that causes the גאולה. Machiach is born on Tisha Beov and ט' באב has a דין מועד. (adopted from...)
may we merit redemption.


Anonymous said...

I think we can add to this wonderful post the words of the Gemara in B"B that state when the Goyim entered the Kodesh HaKodoshim they found the Keruvim facing one another - a sign of Hashem's love for his nation. This is, as the Maharsha explains, that Hashem's love for his nation is evident even in times of destruction. Hashem watches over his nation, and only allows them to destroy Wood and Stones (a reference to the Bais Hamikdash) as is stated in the Gemara in B"K. This is indeed the essence of Nachamu, even though the Bais Hamikdash is not rebuilt and we are still in Golus, we take comfort in the fact that we know our Father in Heaven is watching over us with love and compassion, and will speedily return us to Yerushalayim in the final Geula.

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Yossie Schonkopf said...

very good, the Rav (if you don't know who i mean then you have no hope, none!) adds that the rishonim on that gemara say that the embrace of the kruvim was a נס לרעה and a miracle always is there as a revelation from above as the rambam says that a miracle is only done thru a prophet (the miracles of the talmud is a different category of miracles - ), והמבין יבין