Monday, March 24, 2008

Nazir 4b - Nezirus Shimshon

I thank R' Menachem Spira for the reference to Igros Moshe (E.H. 1:14).
The gemara explains that according to R' shimon it is impossible to be mekabel a nezirus shimshon, because shimshon was given his status by a mal'ach and it was not a davar hanadur rather a davar ha'asur, therefore one cannot be matfis in that. The question is, what will R' Yehuda hold? How can one become a nazir shimshon and be matfis in a davar hanadur?
R' Moshe explains that just as we use the pasuk of "l'hashem" to include hatfasa in a bechor, even though it is not really davar ha'nadur, we also use the pasuk of "l'hashem" by nazir to teach that one can be matfis in shimshon even though it is a davar ha'asur (like the gemara thought when it asked the question on the tana'im by bechor). R' Moshe says that since it is a gezeiras hakasuv for nezirus shimshon that one can be matfis in a davar ha'asur, he assumes status of davar ha'asur and therefore cannot be sho'el on such a neder as we find in nazir 14 and makos 22, because she'eila isn't possible in a davar ha'asur.
The Rosh 4b also suggests the possibility the we use "l'hashem" by nazir as a gezeiras hakasuv to be matfis in shimshon. But, he also suggests that R' Yehuda holds that either manoach or shimshon was mekabel a standard nezirus when he was old enough to do so (with the exception of tuma'as meis). Based on this approach the mal'ach didn't force issurei nazir on him, but rather instructed his parents to tell him to be mekabel nezirus. According to this, there shouldn't be different rules for a nazir shimshon and R' moshe's question would return, why is there a din that a nazir shimshon cannot be sho'el on his nezirus? Perhaps the mala'ach commanded shimshon that he must be a nazir, so that if shimshon would be sho'el on his nezirus he would be violating the command of the mal'ach. Therefore when one is matfis in shimshon, it is the equivalent of accepting upon themselves nezirus, and an issur to be sho'el on the nezirus.

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