Thursday, March 20, 2008

Nazir 2a - Kinuyin

Connections between Nedarim and Nazir
(works more smoothly than purim to nedarim)
According to Reish Lakish that kinuyin are leshonos that chachamim created, Tosafos struggles with why they work md'oraysa to bring a korban. Tosafos answers: 1. since your intent is to accept nezirus and you know that this is a language created for the purpose of accepting nezirus, it is as if you said the term nazir in the torah. 2. it is not a binding nezirus d'oraysa, it is only d'rabonon and there would not be a korban.
The Ran in nedarim 2a asks the same question and answers:
ואפילו לריש לקיש נמי דאמר שהם לשון שבדו להם חכמים הרי הם ג"כ כנדר גמור מדאורייתא, שהרי כל הלשונות אינן אלא הסכמת אומה ואומה ולא גרעה הסכמת חכמים ז"ל מהסכמתם, הלכך הוו להו מדאורייתא
The Ran is mechadesh that a language created by chachamim is no different than other languages and therefore is binding d'oraysa. Tosafos in his first answer doesn't seem to go so far to say that it would qualify as a language, but rather that he is verbalizing a concept and understands its consequences, therefore even without a formal language, it can serve as an acceptance of nezirus.
Tosafos in nedarim 2a offers other suggestions: 1. the machlokes whether kinuyin are other languages or creations of chachamim is only a machlokes by nedarim, but by nezirus all agree that it is other languages. Then Tosafos gives 2 other answers:
דכיון דתקינו חכמים שנודרין בהני לישני הוי כעיקר נזירות, ויש כח בידיהם לעשות תקנתן כעיקר נזירותן, ועוד יש לומר כיון שתיקנו חכמים הני לישני כוונת הנודר לנדר גמור וגמר בלבו לעשותו כעיקר הלשון
The second approach seems like what tosafos says by us in Nazir, but the first approach sounds like the chachamim have the power to create a nezirus and on some level is using the concept of yesh koach b'yad chachamim l'akor davar min hatorah.
Also the Orach Mishor makes reference to a gemara later where Reish Lakish holds that chulin b'azara is not d'oraysa so the entire question would not even begin.

1 comment:

Avromi said...

gemara daf 90a: "vayafer machshavos arumim." that is the first passuk in asher heini, which itself is very related to nedarim.