Tuesday, November 06, 2007

68 what a poor person deserves

the gemnara seems to be consistent of what must be given to a poor person, that is- he must be supplied with what he is used too. see tosfos who explains the exception of fancy table cloths that we don't give this to him because he doesn't really need it.
what is puzzling is the story of rav nechemya where he didn't feel it was right for the poor person to require fancy foods
ההוא דאתא לקמיה דרבי נחמיה אמר ליה במה אתה סועד א"ל בבשר שמן ויין ישן רצונך שתגלגל עמי בעדשים גלגל עמו בעדשים ומת אמר אוי לו לזה שהרגו נחמיה אדרבה אוי לו לנחמיה שהרגו לזה מיבעי ליה אלא איהו הוא דלא איבעי ליה לפנוקי נפשיה כולי האי
the maharsha is bothered by this and he suggests that perhaps we only give the top tier food once in a while but not in a consistent basis. i am just wondering what is the logic for that, if this is what he needs (as demonstrated by his death) then why shouldn't we give it to him?


Avi Lebowitz said...

i think it is pretty clear that r' nechemia didn't anticipate such an outcome, otherwise he surely would not have fed him beans.

Anonymous said...

They wanted him to get un used to it

Anonymous said...

Meaning lower their living standards