Thursday, December 20, 2007

Kesubos 111a - Bavel is like Eretz Yisroel

Rav Yehuda says in the name of Shmuel: Just as it is assur to leave E.Y. to go to other lands, it is also assur to leave bavel and go to E.Y.
The Ya'avetz comments that this was in the time of the amoraim where bavel was a torah center, but no longer applies. Rashi also indicates that there is no special kedusha of bavel, rather it is the place of yeshivos and harbatzos hatorah. However, the Rambam records this halacha that one cannot leave bavel and go to eretz yisroel, which seems a little strange since at the time of the rambam bavel was not necessarily the center for torah as in the times of the amoraim.
It seems that the Rambam records this halacha to teach the concept. Although it may not apply to bavel even in the times of the Rambam, it would be assur for anyone to leave whatever place is the "bavel" = Torah center, of that generation.
This is mefurash in the Meiri:
וכשם שאסור לצאת מא"י לחו"ל כך אסור לצאת מבבל לשאר ארצות, שכל מקום שחכמה ויראת חטא מצויין שם דינו כארץ ישראל וכו' שכל מה שאמרו לא אמרו אלא מפני שסתם חו"ל אין חכמה ויראת חטא מצויין בה לישראל לרוב הצרות ועול הגליות שסובלים שם, אא"כ ע"י עמל גדול וצער גלגול סבל הצרות וכו' וסתם ארץ ישראל חכמה ויראת חטא מצויין בה עד שמתוכם משיגים כבוד בוראם וזוכים ליהנות מזיו השכינה וכו


Anonymous said...

Dear Avi Lebowitz

You are of the very few who understand.

" The very existence of the state, even if it were to be run based on the Torah, is forbidden by the serious and fearful prohibition to violate the oaths of exile. It is a denial of the Divine nature of the decree of exile and subjugation to the gentile nations, a denial of the belief in the coming of moshiach and a Heavenly redemption after repentance. And any admission, however small, to the state's existence is legally considered as an admission to idolatry and heresy, which are among the most severe sins in the Torah, sins for which a Jew must give his life rather than transgress. The Rebbe wrote about these ideas at length in his holy works, Vayoel Moshe, Al Hageulah V'al Hatemurah and Divrei Yoel. He brought countless proofs from the Torah and Prophets, from statements of the Talmudic Sages, the works of the Rishonim and Acharonim. He explained that the Zionist state is the greatest rebellion against Hashem and His Torah. "

Avi Lebowitz said...

this was hardly the intention of my post and i strongly disagree with your anti zionist rhetoric - but i will not delete your comment.
i am not interested in debating whether a jewish state is permitted, or productive, but one thing is for sure that the gedolim demand that religious jews vote and that it assur to abstain from voting even if one disagrees with the concept of having a medina.