Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Megillah 28a - Talmid Chacham Before Kohein

There is a machlokes rashi and tosafos whether the gemara is speaking about birchas hamazon or an aliya. Tosafos assumes that the gemara is talking about getting an aliya where they made a takana that a kohein is called bec. of darchei shalom and still the gemara implies that it is assur for a Talmid Chacham to allow a Kohein am ha'aretz to get the first aliya. In a situation where the kohein is also somewhat of a talmid chacham that they are considered "equal", Tosafos says the Talmid Chacham would go first only if other kohanim are submissive to him or that the takana only applied to a large group like that which gathers on shabbos. But, if the kohein is a real am ha'aretz it seems that the Talmid Chacham has to insist on getting the first aliya even if kohanim are not kafuf and even if there is a large gathering.
Maybe we should start a minhag that Talmidei chachamim leave the shul before the kohen is called up!

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