Sunday, May 20, 2007

אסור לבטל מצוות יבמין

אסור לבטל מצוות יבמין is this specifically here or is this a general rule in shas that one may not cause a mitzva to be מתבטל?
I found the ברכ"א discusses this, he comes out that's its zika oriented as may -for example- be מפקיר his fruits to become פטור from תרו"מ


Yossie Schonkopf said...

s r says:
... take a look at the minchus chinuch on karbon pesach. Has a whole shtickel on being mafkir you possessions to "pater" oneself? I also seem to remember someone discussing becoming tamei for a mitzvah drabanan right before pesach...I dunno its been awhile.

Avi Lebowitz said...

being that this issur refers only to a case when you are mevatel yibum ENTIRELY i.e. yibum AND chaltizah, it seems to be a specific issur to zikah. if it would be a general issur of a bitul mitzvah, it should apply even if one is mevatel the possibility of yibum alone and chooses chalitza since the primary mitzvah is chaltizah. v'yeish lidchos.