Saturday, February 10, 2007

Megillah 2a - Reading Megillah for Bnei Kefarim

I am in Yerushalaim until wed. so i have not had time to post - Sorry.

There is a machlokes rishonim if on the day the bnei kefarim would come into the cities, one of the people of the city would read megillah for them (rashi) or if they would read for themselves (Ran, Tosafos Yevamos 14a). There are 2 difficulties with Rashi. 1. How can someone who is not mechuyav at that time (city person) read to be motzei someon - it seems to go against the mishna in r.h. (end of third perek)? The Ritvah is mechadesh that since he is mechuyav in megillah, just not that day, it is considered mechuyav b'davar. 2. There should be an issur of lo sisgodidu, since according to abaya even 2 batei dinim in one city is considered agudos agudos. If the Kfar person would read, since their intent was to return, it can be considered like 2 separate cities, but acc. to Rashi it is difficult.
Has anyone seen a peshat in dealing with lo sisgodidu acc. to rashi?

1 comment:

Eddie Kassin said...

I came across this.

This is an approach to your question.