Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yevamos 90b - Tzitzis: shev v'al ta'aseh

R' Yossi - thanks for keeping it up while i am gone (1 more week!).
Tosafos is bothered why the gemara considers tzitzis to be a shev v'al ta'aseh. Tosafos understands that the mitzvah of tzitzis is only applicable after the garment is already being worn, so the act of putting it on is not a violation and the continued wearing of it is a shev v'al ta'aseh. However, Tosafos in the end points out that the bracha does not seem to conform with this approach. The Sha'agas Aryeh has a more simple approach. The mitzvah of tzitzis is like any other mitzvas a'seh, where the bitul of it by definition is shev v'al ta'aseh. Even if one were to put themselves into a situation where they are actively causing a bitul to the mitzvah i.e. putting on a four cornered garment without tzitzis, the actual bitul of the mitzvah is by not tying tzitzis onto the garment which is being violated b'shev v'al ta'seh. If i remember correctly we find a parallel to this in Tosafos at the beginning of shavuos, if one makes a vow to eat a loaf of bread and then throws it into the ocean, although he is actively causing the bitul of his vow, the actual violation of the vow is by not eating the bread which is b'shev v'al ta'aseh. I think the steipler discusses this in shavuos (but i don't have many seforim with me now).

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