Wednesday, February 14, 2007

megilas esther acc. to shmuel

Acc. to shmuel that esther was said beruach hakodeh likoros velo lictov . it comes out that esther is a bechina of torah shebal peh. (It seems to me the machlokes is whether after churban habais and in paras was it shayach to create torah shebecsav.)
tosfos is mebver that acc. to shmuel the kisiva of migilas esther was kein the kisiva of migillas tanis except a little stronger because by migilas esther there are dinim in the kisiva. I refer you back to the rashis in tannis that explain why by migilas tannis we find the lashon "dichsiv" because it also has a shaycus to torah shebecsav. so it comes out acc. to shmuel that migillas esther and migilas tannis are of the same type.

1 comment:

Avi Lebowitz said...

your mehalech will work well with the rishonim who understand that the gemara in shabbos 88a is speaking about torah sh'bal peh (bec. on torah shebiksav they said na'aseh vnishma). Since the kafa har k'gigis was by torah shbal peh, the hadar kibluha bimei achashveirosh would also be about torah sh'bal peh.