Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Megillah 20 - Reading Megillah at Night

In the time of the Mishnah did they have a practice of reading the megillah at night or was the practice to read it at night (in addition to the day) first introduced by R' yehoshua ben levi?


Yossie Schonkopf said...

on one hand he learns it from psukim, on the other hand they thought he meant mishna. the m"b says the main reading is by day.
ט"ו ט"ו לפסח ולא זכיתי שתאמר ןכן' עד שדרדא בן זומא. ועיין בביה"ל בדרשותיו אי הזכירו יציא"מ מצרים לפני שדרדא בן זומא בלילות

Avi Lebowitz said...

the pasuk of r' yehoshua ben levi may only be an esmachta. the source for the primary reading to be by day is tosafos 4a (bottom) - but i think the strongest proof is that the mishna only mentions the day reading and omits the night reading even from the list of things that can be done all night!

Yossie Schonkopf said...

עיין טו"א דכל ההזכרה של מגילה במשנה צ"ע דמה החידוש ולתירוצו ע"ש אין לך ראיה מהמשנה דתירץ דרק מביאים מגילה לומר שכמו במגילה צריך לכתחילה לחכות לנץ החמה ה"ה להנך אחריני

Avromi said...

Binyan Shlomo (58) in the times of the Mishna they only read the Megillah by day and not by night until Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi came along.

Avromi said...

Daf Notes discusses the Rishonim and some Acharonim on the primary mitzva being the day and not by night.