Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Megillah 22a - Rashi's Peshat: Nichnasin Will Ask

The sevara of the tana kama to allow a parsha to begin with less than 3 pesukim being read is that the people coming in who will think that the previous reader only read 2, will be able to ask and find out that he really read 3. However, Rashi seems to add that he will be prompted to ask when he sees that the next reader reads 3 pesukim and he thinks that the previous reader only read 2 pesukim. It seems that the contrast will prompt him to ask. Based on this the heter of the tana kama to start a parsha with less than 3 pesukim will not apply to the last oleh bec. the nichnasin will have no one to compare it to.

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