Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ta'anis 14b - Answered like Yehoshua Bin Nun

The gemara says one should not fall on their face unless they are certain they will be answered like yehoshua. The gemara implies that yehoshua was in fact answered. The rashash points out that rashi in megillah implies that yehoshua was not actually answered. It seems that rashi by us is also very meduyak and implies that yehoshua in his version of the gemara, yehoshua was not actually answered. Rashi says that unless one is like yehoshua in the sense that everyone recognized his greatness and will not come to degrade him. This implies that even if one is not certain that they will be answered, so long as he is recognized as a great person, he is entitled to fall on his face while he davens.

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