Monday, January 01, 2007

Rosh Hashana 26a - Prosecution and Defense

R' Tzvi Katz raised an interesting question. Just as we do not allow a shofar from a 'parah' bec. of ein kateigar na'aseh saneigar, we should not allow the mouth of the shofar to be covered with gold. Why was the shofar of the mikdash covered with gold?


Avi Lebowitz said...

Perhaps the answer is that when a kohen gadol actually walks in with gold on his clothing, it will be a kitrug. But shofar is really outside, just that the zicharon aspect makes it k'lifnim. therefore, anything which is integral to the shofar is realted to the zicharon i.e. the actual shofar itself, but the gold is simply decorative and not related to the zicharon so it is like mi'bachutz.

Yossie Schonkopf said...

interesting points!