Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Masrein Vrs. Misanin

This post has a little shaychus to todays daf but I think it is a important nekuda and since I did not post it earlier I am posting it.
The mishna at the begining of the perek discusses how to react to a es tzara. The tana kama says masrein umisanin but in a city which nearby we are is only misana. Acc. to Rabbi Akiva though cities nearby are masrea but not misana. What is the machlokes?
So the Ran brings down a yirushalmi that says the they argue about what you compare it to the day of Rosh Hashana or Yom kippur. Rabbi Akiva says you compare a es tzara to rosh hashana and therefore you blow a shofar like on R"H. The Tanna kama says you compare it Yom Kippur there fore you fast Like on Y"K. The yerushalmi goes lishtaso based on what the yirushalmi says you are tokea on a tannis. the milchamos in r"h says that only in the bais hamikdash did they blow with chatzosros but begivulin we blow a shofar b/c it is like r"h and the proof that the Ramban brings is from the gemora in the yirushalmi.
But if you learn like the Rambam that even begevulin we blow chatzozros. What is the Machlokes between Tana kama and Rabbi Akiva? To start a mehalach to understand the Rambams shita you have look at the Rambam in the 1st perek where he learns the if there is a es tzara than the torah says to blow chtazosros/masria. Come Chazal and say medirabanan that a you should also fast/ Misanea. So Acc. to the Rambam Chatzosros if a doraysa and tannis is derabanan.

1 comment:

Yossie Schonkopf said...

not sure why you are so bothered. espeicially according to the lechem mishne (cited in 18a) that according to rambam you can use either shofar or chatzozros in gevulin. bottom line: blowing in general (not matter what you are blowing) is similar to rosh hashana. blowing in general is part of a cry for help and davening - obviously there are special qualities to each but they also share a general idea of davening this is why they blow like r"h.