Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ta'anis 15a - Moving a Sefer Torah

I am copying and pasting a comment that was put under the kohanim discussion from avromi ( as a seperate post in order to keep the blog more organized.

When they would move the Aron out to the middle of the public square, it was only done during the week, but was moved back inside for Shabbos, right? I thought the halacha was that when the Aron was moved, the Torah needed to be used 3 times before it could be moved again, so how could they move it outside for only Monday / Thursday?This from one of my readers


Anonymous said...

regarding not using the sefer 3 times. is this a halacha or a minhag? (sorry for the ignorance) in any case, the point of this halacha/minhag is that it's a "bizayon", but here this is exactly the point of going to the street.

Avi Lebowitz said...

i am not sure where the 3x comes from. i think that the source of this issue is shulchan aruch (135:14) that you are not supposed to bring a sefer torah to someone bec. they are supposed to travel to the sefer torah. see biur halacha that in a case of o'nes i.e. jail, you can bring the sefer torah to the person since he can't come to shul, but the s.a. holds that we don't move the sefer torah for the needs of an individual. however, for the need of a tzibbur all agree that you would move the sefer torah (even for an adam chashuv you move the sefer torah -rema).
when the kollel makes shabbatons in a hotel we always take the sefer torah even though it is only for shabbos, since it is for the need of the entire tzibbur who need to hear the krias hatorah.

Avromi said...

Thank you and in the future, would you like me to send unrelated comments to your email?

Avi Lebowitz said...

either way.