Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ta'anis 18 - Public Protests

In the story of the 28th day of adar, they were advised to make a public protest at night and cry out "aren't we brothers, from one father and mother...". Rashi in Ta'anis seems to understand that this was done as a tefillah to Hashem. However, rashi in R"H seems to understand that it was directed toward seeking compassion from their oppressors, that is why they protested at night which was a time they would be heard by the officers ("b'cho Tichbeh b'layla" - maharsha r"h). Tosafos seems to say both.
Also the Maharsha points out that the intention of the decree was to break down the barriers that separate us from them i.e. torah, shabbos, milah. Our response was to pretend to express our "closeness" to them like being brothers...
This is similar to Ya'akov Avinu's encounter with eisav where he feared the attack and feared equally the brotherly love (beis haleivi - "hatzileini na m'yad achi, myad eisav"). He prepared himself by davening (like rashi in Ta'anis), and by sending gifts to appease and invoke the compassion of the enemy (like rashi in Rosh Hashana). - War was probably not a viable option!

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