Wednesday, November 29, 2006

lighting a fire on y"t?!

the mishna berura says that lighting a fire is "nolad" and is prohibited since it is 'machshirin' and it could have been done before y"t (based on rambam).
does this mean that if one was busy and was searching after a lost object and didn't have a chance to light a fire before y"t that he would be allowed to do this on y"t? (be careful - maybe yes but "ain morin ken"!) and if he is allowed, does he have to try and go to a neighbor?


Avi Lebowitz said...

The Taz 102:1 says that the rambam doesn't mean to say that it is machshirin that could have been done before bec. if so it should be mutar to create a fire for warmth since that is actual ochel nefesh (based on ran that i once mentioned on this blog). This is similar to your question, that even if it is machshirei we find heteirim. The Taz says that we are only matir for ochel nefesh something which already exists and just need preparation i.e. cooking. But we are not matir creating something new, even for ochel nefesh. The intent of the rambam is simply to explain why the heter of making a fire isn't automatically included in the heter of ochel nefesh - to that he says that it can be done before and is therefore not automatically included in the heter.

Yossie Schonkopf said...

interesting, i must look it up, wonder why the m"b leavesit so ambiguous?

Yossie Schonkopf said...

shkoyach reb avi, i looked it up - mamash what we are discussing!
do you think the m"b is argiung with him? the taz himself in his lengthy commentary seems to realize he is saying a chidush in how to learn the rambam and the m"b is silent.... how do we approach such an issue?

Aryeh Lebowitz said...

look at the Pnei Yehoshua - I believe he draws the same conclusion from the Rambam as your initial conclusion.

Yossie Schonkopf said...

i agree, really its the magid mishne, so bottom line...