Sunday, December 10, 2006

Rosh Hashana 5a - Counting weeks and days

There is a fascinating Ohr Sameach on todays Gemara.
The Ohr Sameach (Temiding Umusafin 7:22) brings from the Ramah that without a beis hamikdash there is only a mitzvah min hatorah to count days, but counting weeks is only a torah obligation when there is a beis hamikdash. The rationale offered by the Rema is "gezeiras melech hiy, ub'sod eloki mi tavo".
The Ohr Sameach replies "sod hashem l'yireiav"! It is clear from the Gemara that there are 2 simultaneous yom tovim. 1. Chag Ha'atzeres which comes after a count of 50 days. The yom tov is as long as the menuyin, one day. 2. Chag Hashavuos which comes after a count of seven weeks. The yom tov is as long as the menuyin, one week. Atzeres is a yom tov that has nothing to do with korbanos, but Shavuos is a korban holiday. Therefore, the yom tov of Atzeres it "Chukas olam...ledoroseichem" (Emor 23: and applies even without a beis hamikdash, so the mitzvah of counting up to it also applies regardless of the beis hamikdash. In the context of "Tispiru chamishim yom" there is no mention of "Shavuos". But, the mitzvah of counting weeks up to the yom tov of Shavuos - the korban related yom tov, only applies when we have a Beis Hamikdash and korbanos will be brought. Parshas Re'eh is the mitzvah of Shavuos with no mention of Atzeres, whereas in Parshas Emor the focus is on Atzeres without mentioning Chag Hashavuos.


Anonymous said...


the blog is great! I take it when you refer to the chag of shavuos as a korban yom tov being a week long, you refer to the idea of tashlumin kol shiva. For a fascinating approach to the whole gemara (makish chag ha-shavuos le-chag ha-matzos) and to explain the pesukim at the end of parshas Re'eh, see the Malbim there at the end of Re'eh, who has a novel pshat to the gemara and the pesukim.

Yossie Schonkopf said...

where exactly is the malbim? couldn't find it.

Anonymous said...

unfortunately I don't have the sefarim with me right now but I will bli neder check later and post it.

Anonymous said...

My apologies -- it is not in Re'eh but rather it is on the mechilta parsha 7 os 51 (parshas Bo), where the mechilta derives the din of chagiga from another pasuk in parshas bo for Pesach, but the mechilta there quotes another view of R'Yossi re: the application of the pesukim in parshas Re'eh for Pesach (because the din of tashlumin for SUkkos is already learned from the pesukim in parshas Emor -- see chagigah 9a). Again fascinating piece. Ayen sham.

The Or Sameach actually uses this mechilta to answer a different question, which is what is the makor for the mitzva of simcha on pesach - but in keeping with the blog's heading to keep discussions on point and concise, ein kan mekomo le-haarich.

Yossie Schonkopf said...
